
The latest on journalism funding under coronavirus (Newsletter 011)

We’re keeping this week’s newsletter short and to the point – everyone seems to be staggering under the weight of work, kids, caring responsibilities, exponential increases in Zoom calls, and so on.

What is happening to journalism in Europe and beyond?

As we know, things are pretty bad, and getting worse – both in economic terms as advertising collapses, and in press freedom terms as many governments crackdown on the media:

But it’s not all doom and gloom

What are funders doing to respond?

The two major rounds of emergency funding for journalism (from Google globally, which closes at midnight Pacific Time on 29 April, and Facebook/EJC in Europe, which closed last week) have been supplemented by a handful of other funds that journalism groups and freelancers can approach (and one instance of microloans that may be copied elsewhere). More comprehensive media sector rescue packages from governments are rare and slow in coming through (little has changed in this WAN-IFRA overview since 02 April).

What will happen after the crisis?

While few funders have been able to respond to the needs of journalism in an emergency setting, in many conversations we’re having, the discussion is turning towards what support might look like in the post-crisis world. One positive new development last week was the launch of UK human rights organisation Liberty’s new independent investigative journalism unit, Liberty Investigates – adding to the store of independent thematic newsrooms funded or founded by civil society organisations and movements.

In that context, you may find these very different three reads thought-provoking:

Until next time, stay safe!

[You can read the online version of this edition here.]